Support sustainable and innovative inter-community approaches that can be replicated
Bring together young people of different convictions and religions
Bring together young people of different convictions and religions
Support sustainable and innovative inter-community approaches that can be replicated
Bring together young people of different convictions and religions
Support sustainable and innovative inter-community approaches that can be replicated
Support sustainable and innovative inter-community approaches that can be replicated
Support sustainable and innovative inter-community approaches that can be replicated
"Si nous avons chacun un objet et que nous les échangeons, nous avons chacun un objet. Si nous avons chacun une idée et que nous les échangeons, nous avons chacun deux idées." (Chinese proverb)
New call for project proposals
New call for project proposals
New call for project proposals
New funding period opened - applications for funding should be sent by 29 March 2022
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