2018-C5810090-210741 - Diversité convictionnelle et philosophique à Anderlecht - Administration Communale d´Anderlecht, Service Prévention - 4500 Euros
2018-C5810090-210742 - Pairs et repères: Pour mieux vivre la Bruxelles de demain - European Peer Training Organisation - 4500 Euros
2018-C5810090-210754 - Junior Vox Pacis - Rama Youth Network asbl
The Fund supported the project „Diversité convictionnelle et philosophique à Anderlecht“. Anderlecht is a part of Brussels with an extremely rich diversity – 146 nationalities live there – and a history of immigration. The Prevention Service of the Communy of Anderlecht organised accompanied visits of the different religious and laistic sites on its territory (churches, mosques, synagogues, buddhistic centre, Bruxelles-laique…) with pupils of the 6th primary classes of the public schools. It consisted of four phases: games, visits, debates, common artistic production to promote tolerance and prevent radicalisation. The funds of FPLS were mainly used for the artistic accompaniment of the project.
The European Peer Training Organisation (EPTO) provides activities where young people can be learners and educators, sharing with their peers their competences in a spirit of collaboration. The Fund co-financed especially the activity „Pairs et repères 2: pour mieux vivre à Bruxelles de demain“. It included meetings of about 20 young people of different milieus and cultural background around the questions of identity, diversity, conviction and living together. The activity also included a travel to Paris to meet young people from a similar project.
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